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[pbmserv-dev] Resign as first move

> > But now there was a pente match with me as the
> > starting player. So the
> > computer filled in my first (forced) move 1 K10.
> > oponent answered, and I
> > sent my first mail: Resign.
> > But that counts as a rated game now.

This is a bug.  I think it's a mistake to use "resign" for both 
purposes.  There should be another command (eg, "decline") to indicate you 
refuse to play.  I wasn't here that far back, but I think people were 
already using "resign" for that purpose when ratings were added, so they 
put the smarts into the program to determine if it's rated or 
not.  "Decline" should only end the game if you can end it unrated.  That 
would leave the game in progress if you are on the hook for rating points.
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