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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Game Idea... Reverse Perudo?
Well, I'm trying it, although Vivek will be scratching
his head in our game.
fdean asked about 1s being wild. I seem to recall
there might have been either Perudo rules or a
variation where 1s were wild
I'd also love to see Call My Bluff done, where the 6s
are replaced by wild card stars. The only catch is
that there would need to be a scoring track where you
can bid some number of stars instead of a number.
There's also a variation called Digging Out, where you
bid, show some of your dice, and reroll the remaining
--- Richard Rognlie <rrognlie@gamerz.net> wrote:
> In perudo, you bet based on your dice.
> What if you saw everyone's dice *except* your
> own...?
> 8^)
> --
> / \__ | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Ninja /
> Gamerz.NET Lackey
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> / \__/ | Today is the first day of the rest of
> your life. Of course,
> \__/ | so was yesterday, and look how you
> screwed *that* up...
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