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[pack159_den3] [hgoodfel@mac.com: [Pack159_Leaders] Fwd: BSA 100th Anniversary Countdown audiocast]

----- Forwarded message from Herb Goodfellow Jr <hgoodfel@mac.com> -----

From: Herb Goodfellow Jr <hgoodfel@mac.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:49:49 -0500
Subject: [Pack159_Leaders] Fwd: BSA 100th Anniversary Countdown audiocast

Begin forwarded message:

>From: BSA 100th Year Celebration <BSA_100_Year_Celebration@scouting.org 
>Date: December 8, 2009 3:08:00 AM EST
>To: hgoodfel@mac.com
>Subject: Countdown to audiocast: Three great reasons to tune-in
>Reply-To: BSA 100th Year Celebration <BSA_100_Year_Celebration@scouting.org 
>One final reminder about the audiocast rally this Thursday, December  
>10 at 7:00 p.m. Central. Thanks to the ten-of-thousands who have  
>signed-up already. We want this to be the largest virtual gathering  
>in BSA history. We hope you will join us!
>Not yet registered? Here are three things you'll NOT want to miss:
>Hear about plans for the 100th Anniversary celebration and how to  
>become involved.
>THIS JUST IN! Get a sneak-peak preview of the BSA's new high-energy,  
>high-adventure recruitment film for the Adventure Base 100 tour.
>Become eligible for some very special prize drawings, including two  
>tickets to Gala Twenty-Ten in Washington, D.C. (along with a one  
>night's stay at a D.C. hotel).
>To participate, you don't have to go any further than your own  
>computer. Just register and then listen-in at http://audiocast.scouting.org 
>If you have a previously scheduled, Scout meeting at the audiocast  
>time, consider making the rally part of the meeting agenda. Tune in  
>as a group (but register as individuals to be eligible for prizes)!
>"See" you on December 10!

----- End forwarded message -----

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