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Re: [HOE] DL RPG computer game

Quoting bruce boragine <gamr4evr@bellsouth.net>:

*_* I just got this from Game spy daily.
*_* Headfirst Into The Deadlands - Rhoam
*_* Headfirst Productions has announced that development has begun on the initial title in a
*_* franchise based on the Deadlands Role Playing Game from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. With
*_* exclusive world wide rights, you can expect to see Deadlands shipped to all major platforms in
*_* the summer of 2005
*_* the web site doesn't show anything on DL, yet, just CoC.
*_* marshal kt

I thought I remembered this. If you search their site, you can find the press release from back in
2001, when they first started. Nice to see it finally look like it might be coming out, though.

Marshall Paddy