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Re: [HOE] thoughts and ideas please.









No players, please (and you may want to stop reading if you haven't seen the 
Sixth Sense yet, too, actually...)

That's a tough one, since if he knows about Harrowed he's going to clue in 
pretty fast to things like getting injured, not to mention that shaman 
spirits tend not to like Manitous.  If memory serves from Ghost Dancers, it 
takes more appeasement for a Harrowed shaman to perform rituals.

Some tricks to prolong the mystery might be to pull a kind of "Sixth Sense" 
twist on him:  in the movie (though if you haven't seen it and you are 
reading this you skipped over my warning up there), Bruce Willis' character 
is dead, but doesn't figure it our for the longest time.  Basically, he only 
sees what he wants to see and his mind alters his perception/memory of 
certain events so that he doesn't realize he's dead.  You could do something 
similar, and then the Night Terrors could be linked to his subconscious 
trying to supress (or reveal) what really happened to him while he sleeps.

Though I have to say, that's a nasty disadvantage for a Harrowed, since 
sleepy time is when the manitou is trying to seize control.


----Original Message Follows----
From: Ryan Riojas <ashenwo1f@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
To: hoe@gamerz.net
Subject: [HOE] thoughts and ideas please.
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 10:16:45 -0700 (PDT)

I'm starting up a new Hoe game and one of the players
is playing an Indian whose tribe has been wiped out in
the aftermath of the bombs.
So as i was thinking about story ideas for him i
realized he has never played this game before, he has
no idea what a harrowed is, soooo what says he is the
only survivor of his tribe. Maybe he died with them.

He's got night terrors from his vetern of the west
edge which fits with the harrowed thing and gives me
alot to work with on what those dreams would be about.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep him in
the dark for a long period of time. Or have any ideas
or techniques on how to reveal it to him in the most
horrific fashion etc.
Also he is a fairly accomplished shaman with a wolf
guardian spirit(he's useing the warrior template from
ghost dancers).
Any thoughts on how to use the spirit to hieghten the
effect instead of giving it away.
As a shaman he'll also know about the manitou and
probably harrowed as a character. Any ideas on how to
explain why he hasn't figured it out or how to tell
him what his character knows about manitous, reckoners
and harrowed without giving it away.
I have several ideas but i wanted to throw this out
and see what other peoples ideas are.
thanks all.

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