Plot hooks?
Ok, well...
If you haven't run Urban Renewal or even Boise
Horror here are a few....
P O I L E R S .
Well, lets see....
"Nowhere Men" lurking in the shadows stealing
Bars where anyone hangs out can be a great place
for seeing someone that no one thought they would see. In example: A
templar's anti-templar half brother with his warband.
The People's Front (Socialist group that I can't
remember the name of) is an tool of Denver.
A "Tainted" junker needing something obscure to
create a doomsday bomb... say, a Spork or something.
Or just to be indepth...
Your posse sees someone get killed. By a
shadowy (Dunt dunt da dunnnnnnnt *suspenseful music*) figure. At first it
looks like any other whacking, however, you see that he was a member of the City
Management.... slowly it becomes more and more intriguing that it follows up the
chain of command back Ike himself.
I know that his vague but from a single irritating
grain of sand, a pearl is formed...
C M Hylton