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[HOE] Templer/A-T Stuff

Just a couple of random questions about Templars and A-T's (Anti-Templars).
I feel that I need to think this part over since I am planning on
torment...er introducing a Templar to his younger brother.
Possible Spoilers..



1)If an A-T "sees the light" of his/her backers as being something
malignant, can they reform and change to a Templar.  In other words, an A-T
starts off with a group of well-meaning other A-T's and their warband. In
the course of events, the A-T in question, witnesses the dead being raised
by a fellow A-T.  He realizes that this couldn't be benevolent no matter
what the cause and decides that it isn't for him. I know that the rhetoric
is using the powers of the "Reckoners" against them but he/she really
doesn't like this idea.  Is it possible for them to change to a Templar with
the blessing of a Templar who saw him/her change his ways?  I think that it
should be possible as long as they don't too many "greater rewards" and the
circumstances of their gain.  However, I know that the oath of poverty and
blood must be obeyed.

2)Can Templars and A-T's be harrowed?  I can see that an A-T probably has a
greater chance as coming back harrowed since they are serving the Reckoners.
However, can a Templar come back?  Would that forsake all their blessings,
rewards, and greater rewards?

3)I know that the "Blessed" could call down miracles in times of need.  Why
can't Templars do the same?  Wouldn't it help the cause of they could cause
a Torrential rain to smite their enemies?

C M Hylton