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[HOE] Travel through the 'Net

This's got information on an android power that lets you traverse large
distances through the hunting grounds.  It may need some spoiler, but i want
to hear what you guys think.

spoiler, i say!

Okay, the way i see it, tech spirits get more powerful as they get affection
from humans.  This goes to the extent that if a human likes a TV show, the
television he's watching it on will become stronger.  While in the 'net, the
spirits pull positive energy off one of the players(whoever makes highest on
a spirit roll), and they get enough energy to send them wherever they need
to go by making them very happy-sticking them in their fantasy world.
    Since it's impossible to have everyone's dreams come true at once, the
spirits pick the most spirited(at the time, based on the roll) character and
center the adventure around him(this is like a good version of going through
the hell hole).  The other players become main actors in this story, based
on their relationship with the main character.  An adventure would go
something like this:

This time through the 'Net, the highest roll was scored by Jake Hellcat, a
veteran banshee syker.  The fantasy is his.  Looking through Jake's story,
the marshall decides that what Jake's wanted more than anything is a normal
life, since he spent most of his life as a soldier.  So the marshall decides
to stick him in a story where he is a father in a 50's-style household with
current technology.  Think Happy Days, only Fonzie is jumping over shraks
with his hover-jetski.  The other players become his supporting cast.  His
wife is played by Angel, a sweet librarian(or draz, his best friend, if the
marshall is feeling wicked enough.)  His ally, scientist Randall Lance,
plays his wacky next-door neighbor, and the other players, who look up to
Jake as a father-figure, become his kids.  Also, Jake has hair.  But it
might be a toupee.

Naturally, Jake will go along with his fantasy, but the other
characters(especially draz, heh) may need some motivation.  if they "break
out of character", the first time this happens a message comes into their
head explaining that if they don't play along, the trip will take longer and
there might be unforseen problems.  for a multiple offender, the punishment
gets worse:they must make a hard(9) spirit roll or be "stuck in character".
For this, use the rules for the librarian power bibliopathy.  This will
persist, even outside the hunting grounds.  If the character's appearance
was altered, it stays that way even outside the hunting grounds, until they
make their spirit roll.

Next, the actual adventure.  the characters make it out of the hunting
grounds only when resolution to the adventure is achieved.  In this case,
probably something like the burger shop being bulldozed by some rich guy,
and jake has to stop it.  it can be completely rediculous.  once the burger
shop is saved, the characters plop back into the real world, in about the
same position.  if a character was asleep, they'll be lying flat on the
ground.  if two characters were kissing(which is a pretty common ending for
some fantasies), they're kissing when they enter the real world.

There is some hidden danger to this method of travel, besides being stuck as
a character.  Draw a card when the characters make a spirit roll and make a
spirit roll on that card.  if this roll is the highest, a manitou snuck into
the net and is running the show.  run it like a hell hole adventure.  Also,
you may want to make harrowed characters make dominion checks before the
fantasy starts:if their manitou wins and they win the spirit roll, they're
in charge.  if not, the tech spirits will turn them into a good

um, so what do you guys think?  the toxic shamans had a power that let them
travel through the hunting grounds, but it seemed too simple for me.