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Re: [HOE] Cyborg Question

>I'm generating a cyborg (infiltrator) for the game of HoE I am playing in. I have a few questions and I thought I'd just bring them here for a quick response.
>1) The infiltrator Package (and similar packages that have mounts per location) says that it uses 1 drain. Is this in every location, or just 1 drain?

Just one drain, total.

>2) I have more than 1 cyber limb. Is the drain for each cumulative?

Yes, unfortunately. With the rules as they are written, cyber limbs are more of
a hindrance than a bonus. It might make more sense to get money back for taking
them than to have to pay money for them.

>3) Does the infiltartor package take up any space in the head? It doesn't say so, but I thought I would check.

I don't think it does. This might be a judgment call; I would guess that it does
have some presence in the head, just not enough to take up a slot.

--Robert Holland