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[HOE] question about Commo

Junkers: Commo

Q) Does a signal type selection have to be made if the device is for
displaying device output only and does not receive outside radio
signals? (I.E. A readout for a computer made with the brains power.) -

A) Yes. [John Hopler, HoE listserv, 6/2/99]

Alright, the above makes sense but why then does it cost more?
Shouldn't a device that recieves no external signals be cheaper than
one that does?
Example - the guitars I made in earlier posts: The one with an external
amp it needs to communicate with has a smaller space allocation for the
commo power than the one that outputs it's own info. Or does direct
link mean part of a device? As in the commo is directly a part of the
device originating the info.
Also, if I want to make a computer that communicates with another
computer, do I have to install  video and data/sound commo powers
totalling 2, or do I have to install video, sound, and data powers
totalling 3?


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