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Re: [HOE] Vamps in Hoe
You know...
I was thinking of something like that. Mine would have been more like the
"Elite Busnessmen" took refuge in Montana with some Survivalists (Money can
buy anything :). They would drive around in limos or Merc's with guys
carrying Suitcases/Machine guns (like in the film "Ghost in the Shell")
trying to recreate the American Dream. You know, 2% of population
controlling 90% of money...
But, I still need to tweak the story a bit. It had a distant relative to
the Hellstrome bloodline and various others.
But, I might add a Vampire. Trying to explain there longevity. Mostly cryo
tubes in a HUGE expansive compound. So a harrowed, a cyborg, and a Vampire.
CM Hylton
----- Original Message -----
From: "Damon Sutton" <dms34@po.cwru.edu>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 1:40 PM
Subject: [HOE] Vamps in Hoe
> I said this once,
> And were I running hoE this semester I'd use it. But I'll say it
> again...
> Fangy, corporate vamps who are armani'd throwbacks to the 80's in a
> apocalyptic world. Just for a climax of a showdown with them in a big
> building. I'm thinking "Dracula" meets "American Psycho".
> They come at night in Shiney new Mercedes' and they wear their
> sunglasses and let the poor folk know their town has been 'acquired'.
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