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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for September 7th

TWIN ROCKS, OREGON – Malcolm Redmond, the current leader of the Twin Rocks
Shore Watch, has posted a message to the local Librarian in Pistol River.
For the past five nights, shore patrols have been catching glimpses of a
military supercarrier making regular circuits up an down the coast as far
north as the mouth of the Columbia River and as far south as the ruins of
Coos Bay. A local helicopter pilot approached the craft and attempted to
hail it when it was downed by heavy weapons fire.

SANTA FE FORTRESS, NEW MEXICO – Ping-Ping Takagawa, a scavvie extraordinaire
has just returned from the ruins of nearby Raton. He brings in a supply of
useable wire, two truck tires, a case of Bubbly Fizz, and a small mystery.
During his tour of the ruins, he found the remains of the Raton Mineral and
Metallurgy Museum. The building had been nearly leveled is some form of
extended combat. After sorting through over two dozen corpses, Ping-Ping
came to the conclusion that a small band armed with heavy conventional
firepower ambushed either a group of poisonous Doomsayers or a large
gathering of Toxic Spirit worshippers. There were signs that a basement
existed before the fight but the damage as well as the background count was
too great to risk an entrance.