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[HOE] Vampires in HoE

Hey there,

Quite a while ago I seem to remember a post-apoc story I read/movie I
saw (misremember which) that had a vampire in it.  The setting was a
Road Warrior-esque survivor town, and a vampire had set up shop nearby. 
The vampire couldn't drink radiation tainted blood, so he couldn't feed
off of common waster stock.  Instead, he's snatch a non-tainted townie
and keep him prisoner, but feeding him three square meals a day to keep
him alive as long as possible while he fed off him.  The vamp would
spend nights ranging farther and farther away from home scrounging for
untainted food to keep his larder alive.  Anyway, the local law begins
to suspect a vampire is around and tries to hunt him down.  Meanwhile, a
big rad-infected biker gang shows up and tries to take out the town. 
The vampire sees that his overall food source is threatened, jumps in
and kick's the bikers' collective butts in front of all of the townies. 
After he wins, the lawman makes a move to take the vamp out but the
townies actually protect the vamp.  The town ends up having the vamp
stay on as a town protector in exchange for the blood he needs to

Anyway, that's the half-remembered Cliff's Notes version.  Wish I could
remember if it was a story or movie...can't even think of what the title
was.  Oh well.  the idea is still a cool one and would translate well.

Matt Steflik
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik