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Re: [HOE] Setting up my homepage
On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 00:05:50 +0200 Jerzy <cierzy@mag.com.pl> writes:
> Howdy again,
> I'm going to start my website and at the end of the final work I
> want
> to avoid any plagiarism. So if you be so kind and tell me if
> anywhere
> in official books there is an idea of making a DNA
> modified
> characters. I think about something like in SIN anime movie
> where
> human DNA was combined with animal DNA (i.e. lizard power
> for
> character = regeneration of limb). I want to make a
> background
> history for this set in military facility before the Last War.
try using "city o' sin" "blessings o' the atom" and other mutations that
deal with animals, but change the cause of getting them from radiation,
to whatever it is in the anime.
> Two other short-questions:
> If anybody tried to make a gizmo like a pop out pistol from
> sleeve,
> like the black character in 'Alien Resurrection' had?
Those are real. Not very common, but real. gamblers in the Wild (and
Weird) west kept spring loaded derringers up there sleeves
> Any 'Cowboy Bebop' fans here on the list?
Hell Yeah! I've been working on a list of Bounty Heads for HoE ina set up
kind of like "Big Shots" or whatever that bouty hunter news show is
called. Trouble with Bebob is it's somewhere in between HoE and LC. Jet,
the scrapper, Radical Edward the junker, smooth waster Spike, gambler
Faye, and of course Ein the super dog.
See ya later, Space Cowboy!
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