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Re: Re[4]: [HOE] Catholic Saints


Catholic.org is the official webpage of the Vatican.  If it's there,
it's gospel (pun intended). =)  Next time you're talking to your priest
ask him about St. Longinus of the Spear.  He's a little known saint.


--- Jerzy <cierzy@mag.com.pl> wrote:
> Hello Bryce,
> Tuesday, September 3, 2002, 9:53:10 PM, you wrote:
> BP> Well,  according to the Catholic Church's webpage, he is in fact
> a
> BP> saint. Check it out for yourself:
> BP> http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=280
> Strange.  I don't know how it is in England Church (I didn't know
> that
> he's an England patron) but I was talking about St. George with
> priest
> from my neighbourhood. And since I visited some of "catholic"
> websites
> I  recommend not to take everything for sure from that sites. They
> are
> intependent even if they belongs to any on-line members.
> But...
> I don't wanna start a religious disscusion here so let it be. At
> least
> it was templar saints, and HoE is only a game :)
> Bartender
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