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Re: [HOE] Banshee Screams Price?

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 balance@tubas.net wrote:

> Anyway... Lost Colony, CHECK!
> Banshee Screams.... $19.99?
> $19.99?
> Can anyone (GenCon goers, etc.) confirm this for me? That seems a bit 
> high for a novel... Or is it hardcover?

well, it cost me £12.99 in the UK, so that sounds about right.  dont 
forget its actually 3 books, fairly chunky on not overlarge print; I think 
its worth the money..

 jconstable@pobox.com          http://www.kript.net/deadlands
a member of the "Legion of Rabid Fans(tm)"
"Why are we doing this?
Because a brain in a glass case, in a short meeting, told us to....."