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Re: [HOE] Raise the Kidd!

Thank you. This fits perfectly as Traveller(the posse member in question) is 
a Outcast Heretic Doomsayer that has to learn all of his powers on his own 
anyway. Another question, could he use the Sculpting (I dont know the actual 
name)miracle to patch the holes? I'm all for him pulling this off because 
he's being selfless about it. He doesn't want the ship for himself, he wants 
to give it to the town so he can recruit people for the Hunter Academy. The 
Hunter Academy is a school that he wants to start that trains ordinary 
people about the Reckoning and how to fight servitors and other minions of 
the Four Horseman. It's currently based in the S-Mart Overlord's old base in 
Lubbock, TX. You can check the whole story out at 

>From: "Clint Black" <cblack@ohtinc.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
>Subject: [HOE] Raise the Kidd!
>Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:37:57 -0400
>I think in the world of HoE a group/town's best chance would be to use
>arcane abilities to do it. They're not going to have the right equipment
>to do it properly so they're better off hiring a team of cans or getting a
>junker to build a device or some other arcane means to do it. Given that,
>conventional methods kinda go out the window.
>I have to agree with this thinking.  Unless you want to play years of game
>time devoted to raising a ship that won't even be functional when you get
>it, this is how you need to go.  Here's what I think you need.
>1 Doomsayer
>1 Junker
>Diving gear (the Junker may need to build this)
>The Junker needs to design one item and possibly create multiple copies.
>That item is a patch maker.  It can work similar to a junk gun in that it
>has a hopper, but it melts down the material, mixes it together, and
>extrudes it as a hull patch, or the junker can come up with their own way 
>patch the holes.
>Now, during all this time, the Doomsayer has been in meditation, pondering
>the Glow and various physics textbooks.  The Doomsayer is searching for
>Molecular Diffusion
>TN:  9
>Time:  2
>Strain:  Varies
>Duration:  1 round/Faith level
>Range:  Touch
>This miracle weakens the atomic bonds between the molecules of an object.
>The object becomes immaterial and lighter than air.  For the duration of 
>miracle, the object rises straight up at a Pace of 10 and cannot be 
>by anything on the physical world.  The Doomsayer must be touching the
>object to be affected for the entire casting time.  An unwilling, living
>subject would be allowed two opposed Strength checks against the Doomsayer
>to break contact.
>The subject displaces any gases or liquids when the miracle ends, but if 
>object resolidifies while in another solid object... well, let's just say
>it's not pretty.
>The Strain cost for this miracle is based on the weight of the object to be
>Weight			Strain
>0-5 kg			2
>5-50 kg			3
>50-500 kg		4
>500-5000 kg		5
>x10 maximum		+1
>So, you find the Kidd, the Doomsayer casts Molecular Diffusion on it, and
>runs like hell.  The ship ghosts it way out of the water and silt, probably
>rises a bit above the water, and then falls <kerplash> back into the river.
>Now clear of the silt, it can be patched by the junker.  Once the patches
>are in place, throw another Molecular Diffusion at it, and when it comes
>back down this time, it floats!
>Yes, I know there are many logistical problems with this, but I think this
>is better than "Oh man, this week during the game, I was clearing silt, and
>I botched my Strength check AND my Vigor check.  So now I have Ailin': Bad
>Back.  What a bummer."  :)
>Clint Black
>"You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Ghost Rock, son. Nothing else in the
>world smells like that. I love the smell of ghost rock in the morning. You
>know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over
>I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' Yank body. The
>smell, you know that sulphurous smell, the whole hill. Smelled like...
>victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."
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