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Re: [HOE] Questions. Potential Spoilers! (SHANE)
I don't think anyone has replied to this, so heres my wild stab in the
On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Patrick Gamblin wrote:
> Spoiler space
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> I only have one question specifically for Shane, so I'll address it first (I
> know you're probably busy right now).
> 1) In the Unity adventure, when the Junkyard 'spirit static' effect goes off
> and Doomsayers, Hucksters, Sykers, et al cannot use their powers what happens
> to Harrowed? Do they just shut off for the duration? Does the harrowed's soul
> get full control for the duration? Does the character die and pass into the
> afterlife (whatever it may be)?
I think they just lay there, inert...
> The other questions are mostly for those who have access to more books than I
> do.
> 2) Was the mysteriousness about the date of the Mason-Dixon Wall being built
> ever answered? If so, in which book?
It wasn't answered, because Wierd West is still being played out. In
effect, it hasn't been stablaised yet...:-)
> 3) Ditto #2 for Pentacorp/BRI and whatever it's doing.
a very good question. be afraid. ber very afraid. and watch the
Epitaph's, keep watching the Epitaphs! (OK, I dont know anything, but i
suspect thats where The Truth will be found at some point..)
> 4) Was the secret in the Houston Spaceport ever revealed, or was the spaceport
> supposed to be the one the PCs go to in 'Unity' but it was changed in 'Unity?'
dont know about this one...
> 5) Is the JSSP (Junker Spritual Static Pulse) the only thing that
> Hellstromme's machines under Junkyard were to do, or are there more extensive
> facilities? I guess this is a Shane question, as I have Iron Oasis and Unity
> and I doubt it's mentioned in any other book (though I could be wrong).
I think that that question is up the the marshall - my take is that it has
done what it was designed to do, but you never know with these fiendish
Mad Scientist...
hope this helps...
jconstable@pobox.com http://www.kript.net/deadlands
a member of the "Legion of Rabid Fans(tm)"
"Why are we doing this?
Because a brain in a glass case, in a short meeting, told us to....."