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[HOE] Templar Role-Call

A Librarian in my posse recently asked Biletinkoff for a list of all
known Templar. I'd like to give him one. I'd appriciate it if everyone
out there could send me the name and basic descriptions of any Templar
characters they have played, have had in their posse, or just have in
their head that hasn't been played. I've had two.

Jason Markeen- a strong and daring knight devoted to the destruction of
the Anti-Templar. became very paranoid and gradualy lost his mind,
accusing his trail mates of being Anti-Templar and attempted to murder
them one at a time. He was caught in a fire and thoguth to be dead, but
miraculously survived. He is now heavily burnt, seeking revenge on the
Anti-Templar (the world)

Johnathan Wickers- a knight with a few year military experience (made
sergeant before the Big Bang). Poses and a musician, carrying his sword
in an old battered guitar case



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