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Re: [HOE] Epitaph Opinions...This ended up a bit long

> >If pinnacle made a source book for every little part of the there 
> >universe it would be very expensive very fast.....
>What, you mean it isn't already?  :) Let's see, I count in my stack, eleven
>sourcebooks at $20 each, two main rulebooks, at $25 each, six adventures,
>$15 each, all the dimestore novels (10), $6 each.  So that's what, $220,
>$50, $90, & $60 for a total of $420, & that's JUST for Deadlands, & that's
>only about half of the complete library.
>Jeff S
Feh! Money is fleeting, but the memories will last a lifetime. Personally, I 
think there are a few topics that might still deserve a sourcebook (Witches 
from HOE being the best example), and I think Shane even mentioned once that 
if something is truly deserving of a 128-pg sourcebook then that's what 
it'll get. Overall, I think it's a good idea, as you can get a variety of 
topics for all 3 settings.

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