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Re: [HOE] Locomotion Power

>    We're having trouble with the locomotion power in
>The Junkman Cometh.  It seems that if we follow the
>formulas in the book we come up with very little or
>negative space.  I'm not sure if the book is incorrect
>or we are doing something wrong.
>   We tried to build a Camaro from scratch, here is
>what we got.  Size 10 sports car (432 slots), wheeled
>10% (43.2 slots), then a quick engine +15 mph (151.25
>slots), 10 gal tanks (100 slots) and four passengers
>(70 each or 280 slots).  Now before weapons or armor
>that leaves us with -142.45 slots.
>                                      Horace Black
First off, Kai Tave makes some very good points about the nature of Junker 
tech. I have a slightly different take on things.

Most sports cars, and Im assuming this includes Camaros, are two seater 
affairs, like the ones in the Road Warriors book.  In addition, most stock 
sportscars dont come with weapons or armor. If you were to knock off two of 
those passengers, then you would be right about even, and you would be 
forced to bolt any weapons or armor you wanted to the outside of your car, 
using the traditional load points rules, as per Road Warriors. Sounds like a 
pretty good approximation of a Camaro to me, and after all, aproximation is 
what Junkers are all about.

P.S. Hi all, I'm new to this list.  I'll try not to say anything stupid.

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