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Re: [HOE] Competitive Deadlands

I actually had two ideas along this line a while back.

The first would be to have everyone take turns pulling cards until twelve had been drawn. Everyone makes a fresh character using the same 12 cards arranged to the
player's liking for stats. Purchase equipment under the Marshal's observation, making the necessary rolls for the chance to purchase rare items. Stick them in a
"battleground" of the marshal's choosing with a red white and blue each and roll quickness. Last man standing wins.

The second is a little more involved (as if the first idea wasn't...) and uses a lot more stuff then characters dueling. Everyone makes a character as in my first
idea, and then gets given $20000 widgets to make a car to duel/race with using the road warriors rules. Think Car Wars but with a lot more role playing. Stuff
could be bought straight out of the book or Junkers could be hired to make custom stuff. Thugs could be hired to rough up the competition and sabotage their
vehicles. Cash awards go to the players based on finishing place (first would get a lot more then last, but everyone would get something. Players would then use
the winnings to rebuild their ride or build new rides and add new stuff to them. It would be a lot for the marshal to keep track of, but it could make for an
interesting ongoing campaign based around the monthly race... if your players are the competitive types.

What do you all think? Comments welcome.


Michael Shindler wrote:

> Probably been discussed a while back, but I've now had just over a spare week
> on my hands (last quarter at UCI ended just over a week ago) and have been
> thinking of this for a while...
> ... with a large player base, it could be interesting... my HoE group at school
> meets once a week and has ten players.
> ... so I was thinking of running a HoE tournament. A very competitive one.
> I've got some ideas floating around, which I'm thinking of putting to paper.
> Question is, does anyone already have a write up for how to run it?
> And would anyone be interested in my idea?
> =====
> Michael Shindler; AIM: Daidoji Arichi
> Version: 3.12 GCS d-(--) s+:- a--->$ C++>$ U?>++ P?>++ L W+ N+ o? K++ w++ V? PS+++(++(+)) PE-() Y+ PGP?>++(+) R(+) tv b++ DI++++&&DI+++ D+ G++ e>++++ h r y?
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