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Re: [HOE] The Great American Mall of... [part 1]

Spoiler Space for Bob Fletcher
> > I'm going to try and post a part of my mall adventure every few
> > days or
> > so. Part 1 will basically cover intro and such.
> > 
> Ooh... looks good so far.  I am interested to see how it pans out.  I
> will likely modify this and use it for my own posse.  
> Have you already run this, or are you planning to run it for your
> posse?

I'm the full time Deadlands marshal and Bob is the full time HoE marshal,
but we do a lot of swapping as we both like both settings. Right now my
HoE "posse" (the one that I marshal for) consists of a Martial-artist
Templar and an ex-Black Hat Tale-Teller (NPC) so, unfortunately, I'm not
in good shape to be running something with a Heavy Can in it right now.
The other option is that once I'm done with my latest Deadlands arc
(they're going to Mexico to fight Aztecs :) I can offer to keep
marshalling, but run HoE for a session or two. Then the rest of the group
(we have 3 steady players and a couple somtime-ers) could bring in new
characters or bring back old ones (we did a HoE campaign-reset a little
while ago).
Probably more information than you wanted. But the good news is that that
gives me about a month and 1/2 to flesh things out and get all the parts
> Do you use "special effects" when running your game?  I think a
> doctored up recording of certain voices would be of great use in what
> you have so far revealed to us.

I've done music, but had bad luck with sound effects (the timing is
usually off and it becomes comical or annoying rather than
mood-inspiring). Back ground music is definitely a plus. Normally I use a
couple standard "soundtracks":

For Deadlands:

- #1 choice is a copy I burned of the music off of a Lucas Arts game
called "Outlaws". It's a pretty basic sprite-based FPS set in the west,
but the soundtrack is REALLY good. And when I pipped it through MusicMatch
I could pull the tracks right off and burn them to CD. I don't think this
is copyright infringement as I own the game and am only using it for
personal use. You could probably find it used/bargain bin pretty cheap and
I highly recommend it.
- Puppet Master 1 & 2 soundtrack - this has some good eerie background
music on it. It would also be perfect for the Killer Klowns adventure.
- Others: Dracula, Tombstone, Silverado - a few good tracks, but a lot of
corny stuff too.
- Unfortunately I can't really recommend the Deadlands album. Other that
one track I didn't care for most of it.

HoE: Always been harder for me because I'm not sure what mood to go for.
Straight western is out, and I didn't like Toxic Tunes. It almost seems
like something like Conan or Road Warrior would fit. I don't go for the
whole super-heavy punk thing. Suggestions (general, as to type of music to
shoot for)?

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab

	"Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?"
	"Are you kidding? This baby's off the charts!"
	"Oh, a Sarcasm-Detector, oh that's reeeeal useful."
	dee-Dee-DEE! BOOM!