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Re: [HOE] 20 mm ammo

> > Once you can comfortably picture that level of changing the rules to
> > suit your game, you will then be able to, on the fly, fix rules
> > problems (which are inevetable as the writers are human) without any
> > need to create any fuss... your game will go faster, your mind will be
> > able to spend time on more fun aspects of the game, and your rad
> > midgets will come to rule the Wasted West with an Iron hand.
> I don't think anyone has a problem with adjusting things as needed, but
> there also shouldn't be a problem with asking for advice. The guy did say
> that this was his first campaign and he might a little worried about
> making some char's main ammo type either ridiculously cheap or
> prohibitively expensive. And since Shane frequents the list it's not un-
> reasonable to post a question ask for a clarrification of typo.

In fact, I had already made a ruling ("what you see in Cyborgs is special ammo for
that gun only, and are rarer and thus more expensive") when I sent the mail to the
list. If this was a typo, I would like to know, in case someone jumped to conclusions
later (players are know to do that).

If and when I make rulings, I want it to be beause I want to change something, not
because of some typo. As a gamemaster of ten years, I know when to change things. I
just prefer to know what it is _supposed to be_ before I change it.

Marshal Ole I. Stene (not as annoyed as he might sound, just a little)
oleingva@ifi.ntnu.no - ICQ #67957926

             -Mors Principium Est-