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Re: [HOE] extended frames list

 >Well, if anyone has figured out a comprehensible formula for computing the
 >columns of the frames table, I'd be happy to hear it. As far as I can 
tell, the
 >numbers seem to have been picked out of the air.

In fact. . . from the accumulated rulings. . .

Junkers: Frame Sizes
Q)      Another thing that was confusing was frame sizes. I got the feeling 
that frames were originally numbered from 1 to 19, than it was decided to 
use them to determine TN, and all the frame numbers were reduced by one. 
Unfortunately, several examples weren't adjusted afterward.  More 
importantly, the frame sizes need to be a little more clear on exactly how 
big they are, the examples being unclear and generally unhelpful if the 
device isn't a gun or a car. How small of a refrigerator? Is it a mini 
fridge or just a short normal fridge? What kind of large backpack? The kind 
my dad took on hikes was quite a bit larger than a dog or a rifle. Saying 
that something is as large as a cello case is only helpful if that person 
is in an orchestra.
A)      The Frame sizes actually dropped by 2. A bunch of the smaller 
frames were condensed into Size 0 to do this. The main reason for this was 
to make humans fall at Size 6, so junkers would be operating on the same 
size scale as everyone else. As far as the size examples go, hopefully 
things will become clearer as more junker devices appear in other books. 
Space was really tight in this book, so I tried to include fairly common 
items or ones which were most likely to be constructed by junkers on the 
table. The exact Frame size an object needs is still somewhat of a 
judgement call for the Marshal.  [John Hopler, HoE listserv, 6/2/99]
C)      The frame table doesn't work at the upper end.  While it works fine 
up to about 12-14, the larger frames are much too small (given the  number 
of slots available). [ed. note - several example that demonstrate and prove 
the user's point are cut for brevity.  The upper values are whacked when 
compared to what a real bus can carry.]
R)      I agree that the top end of the table is a bit out of whack. It's 
due to the fact that the formula for determining slots has a divisor in it 
that reduces the cubed total to a more reasonable number. I'm looking into 
ways to remedy this. [John Hopler, direct email, 1/15/00]

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

Early to bed, early to rise,
Makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes
                 -Orson Scott Card