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Re: [HOE] Book o' the Dead v.s. Cyborgs

> I've been meaning too get the "Book o' the Dead" for some time now but
> my local game shop doesn't have it in right now. Last Sunday I bought
> the HoE Cyborgs book and noticed it had a lot of the Harrowed powers
> that were said, in adventures and such that I've seen, to be in BoD. I
> was just wondering if it is still worth while to buy BoD?

BotD has a lot more detail in it. I think it has more powers in it and
also more details about things like coming back undead and such. But for
general use I can't see you really needing BotD if you have Cyborgs (other
than for a few more powers and some background info).

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab

	"I am so smart!"
	"I am so smart!"
	"I mean s-m-A-r-t!"