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Re: WAS "[HOE] Test." NOW Browser questions.

For normal tech, you're right; the spirit can't just decide to leave (or
maybe it can, but it is never conscious enough to make the decision). 
With junker tech, though, "the construct is only held together by the
spirit's force of will (Junkman, page 24)."  Browser spirits are sentient
beings and can choose to abandon a device if they're being misused.
But it's straying a little from the original discussion.  Hooking up a
high-powered alternator to a browser-powered junkmobile is fine, but that
alternator is only going to make electricity, and you need a full
alternator to do the trick.  If you're talking abou using a car browser's
G-Ray output to fuel the beer fridge, it ain't gonna work, quite frankly,
'cos the rules say it ain't gonna work.

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 00:43:31 EST Madnes6841@aol.com writes:
> Somehow that doesn't seem right. When a (non-junker, at least) 
> device is destroyed,  like when the bombs fell, the spirits were
> It seems that if they were free to leave at any time, they would have
> before hand, and formed the net earlier. The way I see it,  when a
> agrees to make a device work, it's because it wants to, and once in,
> stuck until it becomes unstable, or gets smashed.

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo

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