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Re: [HOE] Wierd Wars
I think it would be easey. Take your 17 and this chart
Spades Diamonds Hearts Clubs
A 18 17 16 15
Q 17 16 15 14
J 16 15 14 13
10 15 14 13 12
9 14 13 12 11
8 13 12 11 10
7 12 11 10 9
6 11 10 9 8
5 10 9 8 7
4 9 8 7 6
3 8 7 6 5
2 7 6 5 4
This chart converts a card draw to a number between 4 and 18. The left side is the card number and the top is the suit. A draw of a Queen of diamonds would give us a 16.
Reversing this your 17 would give us two possiblities the Ace of Diamonds 3d12 or the Queen of spades 4d10.
I would recommend makeing it a random chance for either, so for two possiblities a 1d6 roll with 1-3 being the higher die type and 4-6 the lower. With three 1-2 the best result, 3-4 the middle and 5-6 the worst. With four possible results, I would make it a card draw and the suit of the card determines the placement on the chart.
I.E. in the case of an 11 a draw of Spades would make the 11 convert to a six of spades, while a draw of clubs would make it a 9 of clubs.
Just one way to convert those numbers to Deadlands.