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Re: [HOE] Compatibility
That could work. I've never ran anything online, so I'd have to figure it
out... the good thing, though, from there is that I can invite some guys from
my HoE posse without telling them anyone else is there. :)
--- Robert Holland <robert@macauley.com> wrote:
> It strikes me that, if you're the type for that sort of thing, this would be
> a
> perfect scenario to run in IRC chat, or through a instant message service.
> It's
> super easy for the players/GM to communicate privately. You could raise the
> paranoia level to new heights if your players don't actually know each other
> ahead of time, or at least don't know each other's nicknames--to start with,
> each player would have only the GM's contact info, and would be provided with
> info on the other players only as she met them ingame. Nobody's got a clue
> what
> anyone else is doing when they're out of earshot--of course, another
> character
> might happen to be "passing by" or deliberately eavesdropping on a secret
> conversation, so the GM could drop him choice (and thoughtfully distorted)
> pieces of other players' conversations...
> Only real problem would be making sure all the players let the GM in on their
> private conversations, which shouldn't be too hard if you have reasonably
> trustworthy players. I know there's some online chat setups specifically
> intended for roleplaying, but I don't know how many features they have for
> 'nonstandard' stuff like this.
> --Robert Holland
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With revolutionary veal,
Cao Tse Tung, the Bovine Revolutionary
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