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Re: [HOE] Massive Damage/Waste Warriors ? (Shane/Hopler)

Just my opinion, but I would say 3d12+[1d12/raise]

Essentially just replace all the d20's with d12's.

Sounds fair to me...


"Steve Crow" <crow_steve@hotmail.com>@gamerz.net on 03/13/2001 12:26:24 PM

Please respond to hoe@gamerz.net

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To:    hoe@gamerz.net

Subject:  [HOE] Massive Damage/Waste Warriors ? (Shane/Hopler)

Asked this before, but either no one responded, or I missed it.

Waste Warriors lists the revised damage for Nuke as 3d12.  Is this 3d12
total, or 3d12 + [XX] per raise?  And if the latter, what is the raise?
Preumably a d12 instead of a d20, but nothing is mentioned.



Steve Crow

"Logic merely enables one to be wrong with authority."

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