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Re: [HOE] Hucksters in the HOE Setting.
> I have seen in the Accumulated Rulings that it was recommended at one time
> to drop the 'one card hand higher required'. I am curious on why anyone
> would recommend making it easier to play a Huckster. Hucksters were
> up with the Revised Edition so I am concerned about perceived game
> between players with characters that have to deal with Strain issues and
> Huckster characters that are pretty powerful with no Strain limitations.
> Have any marshals or players out there that have dealt with a HOE Huckster
> character in a regular campaign noticed problems between him and his PC
> comrades or Extra opponents with Strain?
I have never seen it in play, but I assure you, a Syker or Doomsayer is a
LOT more powerful than a Huckster. Sure, the Huckster may use his powers
more, but Syker and Doomsayers are much more reliable, and they also suffer
much more seldom.
Same goes pretty much for the blessed. They can use their powers as much as
they want, but most miracles are pretty wussy compared to a Doomie's
arsenal. Generally, Wasted West ABs are much better than Weird West ABs.
Marshal Ole I. Stene
oleingva@ifi.ntnu - ICQ #67957926
-Mors Principium Est-