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[HOE] Re: Servitors
I like it - I prefer Servitors to be as human as possible, a bit like the
Incarnate in Conspiracy X.
To make the guy below a bit more dangerous, how about the ridicule not doing
any damamge, but while he's in a rage he can be hurt and killed. Of course
he's also an incredibly powerful opponent at the time (maybe combined Many
Arms of the Spider and Venom punch powers).
As to how the posse find out the weakness - I'd say the town he torments is
the same town where he was the bully before the war? The townsfolk know who
he is and who he was, and live in fear of him.
Or, to make it a bit grayer, maybe he was bullied by the toughies int he
town before the war, managed to kill them by various methods, and now preys
on the town, loving the sense of power their fear gives him. But if someone
reminds him how they all used to laugh at him. . .
Just some thoughts.
> Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 10:22:32 -0500
> From: darrin@neobright.net
> Subject: Re: [HOE] Servitors
> d_scott wrote:
> >
> > Quick question - has anyone designed a Servitor who's not in the WW
> > I'm struggling to come up with a novel take on the whole Embodiment of
> > Death/ Famine/ Pestilence? war thing.
> One idea that I haven't really had a use for yet, but you're welcome to
> borrow it...
> Okay, he's a Servitor of Death, probably a bully who made fun of or
> teased weaker people. My original idea had him preying upon a small town
> that lived in complete fear of him, but certain people knew enough about
> him that the PCs at least had a chance to figure out his weakness, which
> was this: he really, really, really did NOT like people laughing at him.
> It sent him into a murderous, blind killing rage. But it was the *only*
> way you could actually hurt him... basically, anyone who makes a
> Ridicule check against him does one wound level to his guts for every
> success and raise. How the PCs find this out I hadn't entirely figured
> out.