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Re: [HOE] Servitors

d_scott wrote:
> Quick question - has anyone designed a Servitor who's not in the WW books?
> I'm struggling to come up with a novel take on the whole Embodiment of
> Death/ Famine/ Pestilence? war thing.

One idea that I haven't really had a use for yet, but you're welcome to
borrow it...

Okay, he's a Servitor of Death, probably a bully who made fun of or
teased weaker people. My original idea had him preying upon a small town
that lived in complete fear of him, but certain people knew enough about
him that the PCs at least had a chance to figure out his weakness, which
was this: he really, really, really did NOT like people laughing at him.
It sent him into a murderous, blind killing rage. But it was the *only*
way you could actually hurt him... basically, anyone who makes a
Ridicule check against him does one wound level to his guts for every
success and raise. How the PCs find this out I hadn't entirely figured