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[HOE] Re: Product Updates ( I feel a rant coming on...)
Okay, here goes...
It has been months now since a HoE or WW product has come out, and I am
desperate for fix. Every friday I go into FLGS, hoping against hope to see
an orange or green cover on the shelves, only to face the apologetic face of
the attendant, and be forced to by some awful WotC product (joke!).
Sometimes, cruelly, my hopes are raised by that bloody Hunter: The Reckoning
game (must...hold...back...white...wolf...rant...). Now I understand PEG's
having some difficulties, but hell! TOO MANY BOOKS!
I have now, officially, been annoyed.
When are we going to get a cybergames.com rep on this list so they can
answer to us, the most fearsome and exacting group of inquisitors...I mean
fans... this side of the dreaded Nepalese Nephilim players club! That was
the great thing about this list; we could say something, and the guy who
owns the company responds. Now I feel like I'm wailing against the tide.
I'm going to use an example.
Dream Pod 9 are the creators of Heavy Gear, tribe 8, and the liscence
holders for Jovian Chronicles. I love Heavy Gear, but it isn't half the game
the Deadlands Epic is. Yet every month, they have, without fail, put out a
product for Heavy Gear ALONE. I know that DP9 is a different company, but
How many Deadlands rulesbook/sourcebook products have come out this year?
Five? This from an Origins award winning game that, IMHO, has only gotten
better and more addictive.
This isn't a dig at Shane or the PEGGERS. It is a very focused dig at the
folks at cybergames.com. If they weren't going to support this product
adequetely, the shouldn't have bought the company. Hell, we should've done
it (joke...mostly). I mean, have we seen any product since the cybergames
crew took over? What about these electronic products?
Personally, I can't see the business sense. How are you supposed to make
money off something if you don't put out product? Bake Sales? I know you can
flood the market, but I don't think that's the case here. Someone who's
going to bother buying any more products can afford it ONCE a MONTH!
I have a very real fear that Deadlands is going to start pushing up daisies
soon if it isn't adequetly supported by an ungoing product range. If that
were to happen, the cybergames folks had better stay away from clocktowers.
I'm sure my fellow LISTERS will be with me, and with the number of hours
I've spent training on time crisis, they'd better hope for a good joker draw
But seriously, I feel there has to be a change in attitude on the business
end. From what I remember John Hopler had made a number of finalisations
MONTHS ago on waste warriors. It's a book with guns! How is it not going to
sell? Palladium have run an entire series of 30 odd books under that
principle (please no flame RIFTS players).
I just can't, for the life of me, see the situation improving by NOT
producing books.
All Ranted Out
Reuben McCallum
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