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Re: [HOE] Junker's, Railguns, AP Ammo, Ammo Processors

> Hiya,
> I'm looking at designing a railgun for my Junker character, and I've
> a sticky point with the ammo processor & the Armour Piercing side of
> Under the Gunsmith power it refers to the Ammo power to 'design' the
> for the weapon.   The Ammo power states that for each point of AP, the
> or batch requires +10% structural components.   so for a round that has,
> say, AP 5, the batch or round has +50% in structural components.
> Now, how does this work with an Ammo Processor?   Does this affect the
> that it 'manufactures' the rounds from scrap?   Does it increase the Drain
> to make rounds?   Does it lessen the number of rounds 'made' per action?
> Or what?

Definitely "What"! A Junker Rail Gun uses propellant-less ammo and gets AP
by way of amping up the power. I suggest you reread the Flash Gordon and the
Rail Gun rules again closely. Don't worry I had to make two Rail Guns to
fully get everything it intales :)

Christopher Merrill
A W.H.A.T.T. Member