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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for October 19th

YUMA VILLAGE, ARIZONA- a scout from the ruins of Tijuana, Mexico arrives
with a report of some kind of construction underway in the stretch of
northern Mexico desert named the Journada del Diablo. The Devil's Road as it
is called on C.S.A. maps, holds nothing but long stretches of lonely
highway. But the scout, one Ferdinand Gutierrez, swears that a large group
of people are building a huge stone pyramid in the desert waste.

BROWNSVILLE REFUGE, SOUTH TEXAS- Steel Zachary the Law Dog reports a very
strange occurrence outside the Refuge walls. A local troublemaking waster
going by the name of Fearless was found in the early morning hours just a
few dozen meters from the gates of the town, in a state of deep shock. After
a visit to the local sawbones, Fearless spun quite a tale. He has no memory
of arriving at Brownsville; he was part of a caravan heading for Near
Beaumont. Fearless can't account for the rest of the traders and has no idea
how he ended up in Brownsville with a bright, shiny new cyberarm.

OLD MESILLA FORTRESS, NEW MEXICO- A Syker mercenary named Lilith arrives
with a plea from the township of Clint, Texas. The town has suffered heavy
damage from a very bad acid rainstorm and is looking to trade horses and
water for building materials and some skilled architects.

TEXARKANA BAZAAR, TEXAS- Word arrives with the Librarian called Nomad that
the Venomfang mutant tribe from the Nebraska flatlands has been spotted on
the march about a week's travel time from the mercantile trader depot. There
is also a suspicion that the tribe is harboring a number of Corruptor spooks
within their ranks. "Flamboyance" Greene, a master trader in Texarkana is
offering a fully restored King Cab pickup to anyone that can find out of the
tribe is on the warpath. If they are, Greene is also offering food and water
to anyone who brings back help.