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Re: [HOE] RE: Arson vs. Pyro

> Yes. In fact, for the reasons you've just mentioned, most of the pyrokentic
> Sykers I've seen in games prefer Pyro to Arson. Especially given the
> ability for an instant head shot if done right. Sure, Arson is good if
> you've got a crowd of goons (even without the mook rules), but taking 3d6
> over and over again is nothing to be sneezed at.

Unfortunately for me the point is kinda moot. My PC's a greenie biokinetic
so she can't develope pyrokinetic powers on her own. She recently came
into possesion of a USA Syker Manual so she has access to all the main
book powers though.

She just learned Arson (she's decent with a gun, but lacks any really
powerful attacks, or ones that can effect a large group). As far as
offensive powers go I think I'm gonna go for Slow Burn next as we don't
have any really good artillery. We have a doomsayer, but he passed on both
Nuke and ICBM (has MIRV though, nasty).
Biokinetically I think I'm leaning towards Medic or Sleepy-Bye next. Medic
would be nice, but is becoming less necessary as we have a very arcane
group (Doomsayer, Syker, Greenie and Trucker) that can generally do the
healing thing pretty well. Still it would be nice for someone else to be
able to heal more serious wounds without getting Ugly as Sinned. I have
medicine, but only General.

 Theo McGuckin -
	"Powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a nerf ball"