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re: [HOE] A question on the Harrowed Relic power

There's a web page out there with Movie Gun Magic on it.  Basically, a 3 
point Belongins gets you a gun that is always loaded.  There are a couple 
stipulations to it though.  First off, it doesn't create the rounds.  The PC 
has to have them on their person.  Secondly, the gun has to start fully 
loaded.  As long as it's fully loaded it will keep firing (again, as long as 
there are sufficient rounds on the person).

Convert that to a level 3 Harrowed relic and I think you'd be ok.  The gun 
would still need real bullets, but would manually load them, hence never 
needing to be reloaded.

After all, if you have speedload and an extra magazine or two, it really 
isn't that hard (and only takes one action) to slip in the new clip.  Most 
fights are over after 2 or 3 clips anyways...in my experience that is.

So, if they didn't want anything else then I'd give it to them for 3 points. 
  Now, if they wanted it to never be empty AND create its own 
bullets...well...that would probably be a level 5 relic and the 
bullets/magazine would be fused into the gun.  Spent shell casings would 
mysteriously disappear before they could hit the ground, that type of thing.

Now, what about the gun's taint?!  :->

Movie Gun Magic has a taint that in critical situations, the gun gets a 
reliability of 10.  Any failed roll means the gun simply doesn't shoot.  Of 
course, a "critical situation" is whatever the marshall deems worthy...bwah 
ha ha hah...




Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 00:31:03 -0400
From: rdula@ezonline.com
Subject: [HOE] A question on the Harrowed Relic power

Hi, all:

Just a quick question.  What's everybody's opinion on how many levels in
Relic a Harrowed would need so that his SA Handgun never needs to be 



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