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Re: [HOE] Junker advice needed

Nick Zachariasen wrote:
> My friend Ian (creator of some gambler-specific hexes for the Weird West)
> needs some advice on Junker powers needed for devices.  He wants to create a
> device called the Banshee, which would amplify sound coming from the
> wearer's mouth to dangerous levels.  He thinks he could use Flash Gordon for
> this, and I see the case for it, but I think a new power may be needed.
> What do the lot of you think?

I think you could use the Flash Gordon power
The weapon sounds a lot like that Weirding module
from the Dune movie. A neat idea but I don't think
you would need a new power. The fact it's using
voice power really wouldn't change the energy
requirement or the damage system that Flash
Cool idea though. :)
> Nick Zachariasen
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David Heth 
"Should you all really be standing that close together?"