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Re: [HOE] Would you allow this man his character?

Hey Gang,

     I've been listening to all this jazz about worrisome cheaters.  I gave 
up arguing with players like that about 9 years ago.  Now, I just win.  I 
don't usually allow player to make a character away from my presence, and 
they are not allowed to bring in players from "another group", or to bring 
in characters from home.  This applys to all the games I run except for 
games which have no random factor for character development; such as drawing 
cards.  Also, I supervise the "random factor".  This sounds like somewhat of 
a Machiavellan way to run a gaming group, however, since I'm there from 
start to finish on almost every aspect of every character, I have utmost 
faith in a players inability to cheat during character generation, (which is 
sad and silly anyway, cool characters come from the player not the stats).  
Also, if the player does manage to draw the obligatory 4 Aces and 2 Jokers, 
or a reasonable facsimile, I have no chance to become jaded about this, as I 
dealt and shuffled the deck for him or her.  It sounds Machiavellan, but I 
still get kudos for the cool and fair handed group I've kept over the year.  
Furthermore, the most embarassing accusation you can do, is to accuse 
someone of cheating in a RPG when they really weren't; or any game for that 

                             Jason Adkins
                    "I think that was a dollar worth of pennies."

>From: Machine-gun Kelly <mgkelly@axom.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: hoe@gamerz.net
>Subject: Re: [HOE] Would you allow this man his character?
>Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 18:00:36 -0500
> > In a recent character creation session, a friend of mine drew the aces 
> > spades, hearts, and Diamonds AS WELL AS the Red joker with a suit of
> > spades....
>Had a player do this last night *and* the week before when he dealt out
>a hand for another player. Actually, Rob pulled all four Aces.
> >  Now, if you knew that this man, had, say, purchased a book of card 
> > last week and had spent the week practicing them, would you say I made 
> > right call in making him re-draw for the character?
>*HELL YES*! Pretty obvious that he might have used one of the card
>tricks to pull a draw like that. I let Rob keep it because he couldn't
>do a card trick if his life depended on it. He's just got weird luck.
>Marshal Mike
>"You know you've found the woman of your dreams when she says you can
>'tap her mana'."
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