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Re: [HOE] more technical questions

>1) How Big is a Heavy Cyborg in Dreadnought Armour? Can they fit through 
>doors?  Can they get into vehicles?  We were originally playing it that the 
>Cyborg in DN Armour could not get into doors or vehicles at all.  This 
>based on the pictures for the Template "Drone" and the Picture of the 
>Cyborg looking down at the scientist.  In addition, is a Cyborg in DN 
>Armour still size 6?  Does his size go up?  I figure a Cyborg in any other 
>Armour would not have a size change or trouble getting into doors/vehicles, 
>based on the Template "Heavy Can".

For size - pretty much go with the picture of the Heavy Can.  Big. . . dern
big.  But don't give them a size bonus.  The armor probably bumps the size
up to 7 or 8, but the body inside is still size 6.

>2) How Much does a Cyborg in Heavy or Dreadnought Armour Weigh?  How Much 
>does any Cyborg weigh? This became important as the PC (a Heavy with DN 
>Armour) wanted to ride in a dump truck or something, and I thought he was 
>too heavy.  Do they fall through floors?  How Heavy and Armoured can a 
>Cyborg be and ride in vehicles or walk on floors, or even not always sink 
>like a rock.

This is pretty much a Marshal discretion call.  Since the difference
between infiltrator and heavy can is mostly the amount of money they get
for gear, it is possible for a heavy can to pick up an array of
"lightweight" electronic components.

At the upper end, I would say that a fully loaded can wouldn't wiegh more
then 800-1000 pounds.  Even then, the battlefield disadvantages would be
significant enough to be a tactical worry of the commanding officer.
Something that size would have problems in urban environements - doorways
and buildings with multiple floors.  And to a lesser degree, in "natural"
environements.  Think of the problems with mud.

>3)  How Much Durability does most weapons and Armour have.  I know the AR 
>say most guns have about 10 durability, and we have Durability for Weird 
>West Armour, like Mad Scientist Armour.  What about Kevlar and Infantry 
>Battlesuits?  Do HoE Guns average 10 Durability as well?  Also, are there 
>going to be any rules (such as Denver: The Place No One Goes) Going to have 
>durabilities for Cyborg or Powered Armour?  Right now I am doing as 
>suggested but I am curious.

There isn't anything official (that I know of) in regards to durability.  

>4) Can Caretaker Toxic Shamans have Faith: Traditional Indian if that is 
>part of their mindset (fighting Pollution vs. Pollution?)  I was thinking 
>maybe.  While they would be able to have no Guardian Spirits, could they 
>learn Rituals and Favors anyway as per normal Indians with Faith then?

Well, there is a general rule that only in the most noteable exceptions can
two arcane backgrounds be combined.

Now - in this case - I would say that such a shaman would have to pick up
both Arcane Background: Shaman, and Arcane Background: Toxic Shaman, but he
would only need to buy Faith once.  He could then pick his powers between
both traditions.  
Any totems would have to be toxic.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Margaret Thatcher:
There was simply no alternative!