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Re: [HoE] witches

In a message dated 5/25/2000 2:55:15 AM Central Daylight Time, 
baron11@netmcr.com writes:

> Witches follow through the same Magical rituals and chants as Black 
> Magicians..indeed, to a untrained eye, they LOOK like Black 
> Magicians.  However, they have no Faith in the Reckoners, nor wish to 
> follow them or any other demon.  Thus, the Dark Rituals are not enhanced, 
> thus, Witches get far more minor effects. 
   Yes, I noticed that witches were less powerful than black magicians, but 
considering the backlash a black magician can get I see that as but a 
necessary trade.

 In this case, the "trappings" 
> they learn help them to channel what magic they can get.  Thus, these 
> Witches go through the motions without the will to carry out dark deeds.
> Hence we have Witches.  
    I still find it cosmologically unsatisfying, because all magic users in 
deadlands need to get their energy from somewhere.  Sykers and doomies and 
the enlightened channel hunting ground energy through their own body or minds 
and hence suffer from strain.  Hucksters and shamans and the blessed and the 
Templars are given their energy by others, and so don't worry about strain.  
   Witches don't suffer from strain, but have no known source of energy 
listed.  Now, that leaves two options I can think of.  Either Annabelle lee 
found a way to ignore strain (and that is a very impressive feat I feel), or 
she found a less malevolent patron for her art.   
    I can't think of any way (with my current understanding of deadlands 
metaphysics) that someone could bypass strain with a personal magic system, 
although I don't deny it's possibility. But considering the often religious 
underpinnings of real life witchcraft, it's certainly possible that Annabelle 
lee caught the attention of spirits that don't have a vested interest in 
mankind's fear and pain.  Of course, then it should still be faith 
(witchcraft), but I can see spirits that aren't as interested in worship 
simply teaching humans how to control their energy without all the religious 
    Of course, if anyone else has any thoughts on the matter, please feel 
free to share, but from my understanding and my grasp of logic (which I admit 
isn't the same as everyone else's), those are the options I see.