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Re: [HoE] witches
In a message dated 5/25/2000 1:19:29 AM Central Daylight Time,
baron11@netmcr.com writes:
> There has not even been any more spells published. No further expansion
> Witches have taken place.
So I hallucinated the whole thing. Well, that's less than comforting I
must say.
Pity, I would really like to know how one person managed to convert black
magic into a personal strain based system, while the governments of the world
with the martial artists and hucksters were only able to come up with the
And if I sound condescending towards sykers, I don't mean to be. But I
can't help but feel that a huckster with no capability for backlash (as ghost
dancers would seem to indicate) would be a tad better off than a syker who
has less options in their powers and risk blowing their heads off if they
sneeze at the wrong moment.