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Re: [HoE] computer rpg utilities -- off topic?

Hmm... I learned in a summer class how to program in
C++, between 8th and 9th grades. Then, in 10th grade,
I took Computer Science C++ at school and learned that
knowing the language ahead of time was a

--- Dirk <darklord@dark-sky.net> wrote:
> Believe me, I want to learn programming, but have
> not had the time.  In fact I started looking for
> resources on
> programming a bit earlier.  If you can point me to
> any good resources it would be a great help.  I
> think the the palm os
> runs on a variation of c, so it shouldn't be too
> hard.
> Thanks again.
> --Dirk
> Michael wrote:
> > Well... the obvious answer is: Learn programming!
> I
> > don't know what programming applications are OK
> for
> > the Palm OS, but if one is or is related to C++,
> maybe
> > I could allow the code to be made public: it's not
> a
> > major program.
> >
> > --- Dirk <darklord@dark-sky.net> wrote:
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> with
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The perpetually backlogged Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"Look at the size of them wings!" - Solly
v3.12 GCS, d, s+:-, a--->$, c++, W++, N, w(++), PS+(++), PE--, Y+, R(+)@, tv+, b++(+++), DI++++, D, G++, e->$, h!, y?

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