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Re: [HoE] computer rpg utilities -- off topic?

Point in fact Steve,

     Yes, the programming required will make for a fairly monstrous 
undertaking to get a functional Junker Utility created, however, as you 
mentioned you will be utilizing Excel and Visual Basic, I believe that you 
should be able to concoct a fairly workable system.  But make sure to leave 
a wild card menu, that will simply have the option to manually assign 
information, for all the little things players try to do, that just isn't 
quite in a book somewhere.
     By the by, if I find out you are trying to do this with Cobalt, I'll 
personally nuke your valiant ass.   :)

                                Jason Adkins

>From: Steven Strange <sstrange@mac.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: hoe@gamerz.net
>Subject: Re: [HoE] computer rpg utilities -- off topic?
>Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 23:51:18 -0500
> >
> > Fair warning - The Junker rules are full of exceptions and special case
> > situations that would complicate coding the process.
>	Hey buddy, I have read fire, fusion, and steel.
>	I do appreciate the warning.  In my experience, complex underpinnings
>with a fairly simple graphical interface can be built much easier to
>build than a simple app with a complex interface.  Only I have to
>understand the code where the interface needs to be straight forward
>enough that anyone can pick it up. Point in fact: the Junkers assistant
>may have a lot of exceptions and special cases underneath, but it will
>hopefully only take up a couple of screens with Text fields and pull
>down menus handling the bulk of the input and output.  <this is the
>young, naive programmer who hasn't looked through the Junker book yet>
> > -------------------
> > Allan Seyberth
> > darious@darious.com
> > Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html
> >
> > Why did the chicken cross the road?
> >
> > Margaret Thatcher:
> > There was simply no alternative!
> >
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