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Re: [HoE] computer rpg utilities -- off topic?

Ok, here is my suggestion, I want a utility to help build Junker devices...
something with drop down menues that does all the math for you.  I know this is
going to be a giant pain to create, but it would be cool none the less.


Steven Strange wrote:

> Heyo,
>         I in the mood to write some software that would be useful to the
> role-playing community at large.  I have some ideas, but I thought that
> by asking the HOE group I might produce something more universally
> useful.  If you have an idea, don't worry too much about technical
> limitations at this point, if you think it would be useful, please tell
> me about it.
>         Depending upon the amount of work, I will probably release it as
> freeway or cheap shareware.  Contributors would of course get a free
> copy of any rpg utilities I crank out. Contributors would also be
> mentioned in the software's credits.  And finally, this will almost
> certainly be a release for both Mac and Windows.
> ciao,
> Steven Strange
> --
> sign'd with a flourish and a spatter of ink
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