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Re: [HoE] computer rpg utilities -- off topic?
[nothing specific to respond to]
Hey, sounds good. If you're writing in C++, let me
know and I'll contribute what I can. I've done a few
programs in C++, let me send a list of my
Deadlands-ish to help you get ideas:
Dice roller - this one's simple. Input dice, roll
dice, print result.
Hero Converter - takes several minutes worth of input
of stats from Deadlands RPG and converts it to a Rail
Wars hero for you (instead of the "easy" way of doing
it, which is to follow the book's 3-4 pages).
In Progress: "The Great Rail Wars Death Simulator" -
you input a vigor type and either compare it to custom
damage (i.e. input: d8+2 etc) or standard damage
(pisto,l rifle, 3-ranges of shotgun) and see how often
your mook survives, eats dirt, or dies, or how often a
hero survives/eatsdirt/crit hit chart
So far, all are text base. I hope to pick up and learn
visual C++ over the summer.
The perpetually backlogged Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"Look at the size of them wings!" - Solly
v3.12 GCS, d, s+:-, a--->$, c++, W++, N, w(++), PS+(++), PE--, Y+, R(+)@, tv+, b++(+++), DI++++, D, G++, e->$, h!, y?
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