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Re: [HoE] Spirit Warriors Question [Hopler]

At 12:45 AM 5/16/00, you wrote:
>Okay, according to the way Toxic Shamans cast, they have to "draw a card
>from the Action Deck each time your brainer casts a favor." If I'm in
>combat, does that mean I draw from the Action Deck everyone else is using,
>or does the Shaman need her own deck (similar to a huckster) to draw from?
>Having your own deck makes it less disruptive to the other players I think
>(because you're not taking up their cards with favor draws), but *seriously*
>decreases the chance of having a Spill. Using the posse's Action Deck
>*seriously* ups the chances of the Spill (because the player have all the
>other cards), but seems to screw everyone else out of actions...
>just wondering which way was intended.

Good Question.

Me, I love having players have Decks.  I request that Hucksters, Mad 
Scientists, Junkers, and Voodooists with Fortune Telling have their own 
decks, and Toxic Shamans as well.

That and we go through an action deck fast enough as is.

That said, it could really be read either way. dunno.