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[HoE] Re: [HOE] Blasphemy (Was spirit warriors)

>>Drat. That's the fun of toxic and insect shamans. 
    Seriously though, I have a question.  Someone said
that they used strain 
these toxic shamans, or perhaps just the shamans of
HoE.  Correct?  Does it 
ever say why?  Because I don't see that as making
sense.  Strain represents 
the well, strain, of using oneself as a conduit for
hunting ground energies.  
Hence, sykers, doomies, HoE martial artists, etc, etc,
use strain because 
they channel the energies through themselves.  Others
of a more theurgical 
bent (like the hucksters or blessed) do not, because
they don't channel the 
energy through themselves.  Or at least that is how I
understand it.
   And Shamans are most definitely of a theurgical
bent, unless I've missed 
something.  If anything, I could see worrying about
drain to represent the 
taxing of their spirit allies (like a cyborg taxes its
manitou), but that's all.<<
Well, someone mentioned that the shaman, him or
herself, must transform the pollution.  In addition,
this might represent the effort the Toxic Shaman has
to put forth to prevent being poisoned/mutated by the
very power they wield.

Beyond that, I had a few things I wanted to say about
the powers-
1)Healing and Resurrection: Way cool.  I always like
to see healing spells with reprecussions.  It keeps
folks afraid of injury.
2)Insect Form: I've always loved transformation spells
that break you up into a swarm of something.  Really
creepy, and quite useful.
3)Spider Sense:The favor is tingling!!!
4)Mutate: Give or _remove_ mutations.  Is this the
first time mutation removal has been presented.
5)Rad Rat: controlling a pack of Rad Rats has a LOT of
6)Flush: yucky!
7)GERD: I can't believe I ate the whole thing...
8)Smog Favors in general:  A little weak.  They're all
basically "nasty mist that makes your opponents ill"
type powers.  Coffin Nails and Smokestack are cool
9)Dumpster: When I read this, I recieved a vision of a
Trash Shaman with a mutation that gives him green fur
and a bad attitude, that flies around in a garbage
can.  I can him Oscar...
10) Jersey Shore: Great.  The very fact that the
Jersey shoreline is the Mecca of toxic shamans made me
laugh out loud.

All in all, very cool and well balanced, plus the
backstory is chocked full of adventure opportunities. 

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