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Re: [HoE] Review of Epitaph #1 Teller
PEGShane@aol.com wrote:
> Or maybe he'll be something else. . ..
> Shane
That's what I was thinking... I guess we'll know more when Lost Colony
comes out, Hellstromme shows up, and all that. If not harrowed, then at
least a saint. Or this something else...
We've seen what the Reckoners have been up to for all these years. We
know what the manitous are up to. What about the other side? If it's
possible to be possessed or have your body taken over by an evil
spirit/demon, then why not an angel/seraphim/etc.? Or is that just a
little too much Obi Won Kenobi thing... "If you strike me down, I will
become more powerful than you can ever imagine." I suppose I should
actually read the story.